Daily Themed Crossword Champion's Gear Pack - Level 7
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Champion's Gear Pack - Level 7 answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Champion's Gear Pack - Level 7
1d. Quad bike or quadricycle: Abbr.:
1a. Number which increases every year:
2d. Way of holding a tennis racket that you would use during a day of playing tennis:
3d. "Or ___!" (parental threat, maybe):
5d. Bicolored marine predator:
6d. 27th President of the USA:
7a. MTV show with online voting: Abbr.:
11d. "___ on Fire," Stevie Nicks song:
12a. School in Orlando whose motto is "Reach for the Stars": Abbr.:
14a. Persian or Siamese, e.g.:
15a. "___-all," declaration that you may hear during a day of playing tennis:
17d. Airplane choice that may be "window":
17a. "___ Like It Hot," Marilyn Monroe movie:
18a. Slap a legal notice against:
19d. Fourth of July-celebrating nation: Abbr.:
20a. Match-starting action that you may perform during a day of playing tennis:
21d. ___ Speedwagon, Kevin Cronin's band:
22d. Composer Ludwig ___ Beethoven:
23d. Landing hours on a flight ticket: Abbr.:
24a. "Your Body ___ Wonderland" (John Mayer song): 2 wds.:
27a. "We're ___ mission... ": 2 wds.:
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