Daily Themed Crossword Classic 16 March 2025 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Classic 16 March 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Classic 16 March 2025 crossword
1d. "Washboard" muscles below the pecs, for short:
4d. Groove to the beat (rhymes with "hop"):
5d. France's continent, for short:
8d. "John Wick" actor ___ McShane:
10a. "Don't ___ spoilsport!": 2 wds.:
11a. John Green's "The Fault in ___ Stars":
12a. ___ tai (tropical cocktail):
15a. Put on an act... or a word that ends in "end":
16d. Keyboard neighbor of "Q":
17a. Karl Marx's "___ Kapital":
18d. "___ Will Be Loved," Maroon 5 song:
19a. ___-Mart Stores, Inc. (formerly):
21d. Law school freshman: 2 wds.:
23a. Mix together, as smoothie ingredients... or a word that ends in "end":
25d. Palindromic time for a midday meal:
26d. Hot ___ (snack eaten during halftime, perhaps):
27a. Go to an event... or a word that ends in "end":
30d. ___ in stone (unchangeable):
30a. "Computer" or "Political" follower for a subject, for short:
35d. Calder Cup organization: Abbr.:
35a. Choir voice below a soprano:
38d. Go on a shopping spree... or a word that ends in "end":
40d. Grain that can be added in a smoothie:
43d. Fix, as a fence... or a word that ends in "end":
44a. Modify, as the Constitution... or a word that ends in "end":
45d. Like some nefarious queens in fairy tales:
46d. "That's ___ of your business":
49d. ___ Flatow, "Newton's Apple" host who cameoed in "The Big Bang Theory":
51a. Shipped off, as a package:
53a. "Hinky Dinky Parlay ___?" ('20s song):
55a. "Some of Them Are Old" singer Brian:
58a. Discontinued insecticide: Abbr.:
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