Daily Themed Crossword Classic 19 March 2025 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Classic 19 March 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Classic 19 March 2025 crossword
3d. Often poached, bottom-heavy fruit:
5d. Emerge, as an unanticipated problem:
6d. Female sibling, for short:
7d. Snapchat co-founder Spiegel:
7a. Clock setting in NYC: Abbr.:
8d. Apple assistant that can joke:
11a. Singer Grande who sang "The Way," to her fans:
12a. "You can contact us ___ email" (through):
13a. "___ la-la" (humming syllables):
19a. (1/6) "Let's go for a ___ (outdoor feast)":
20d. Element that suffers from "corrosion":
23d. Bill Hader's sketch show: Abbr.:
23a. (2/6) "Start by picking the perfect ___ (location) with fresh green grass and not much bustle":
24d. "To Helen" poet Edgar Allan ___:
25d. Gives the "go ahead," say:
26d. High school subject that teaches you about genetics, for short:
27d. Binary snack, to a computer:
27a. News network from London: Abbr.:
31d. Pointy tool that sounds like "all":
35a. Shower with romantic gifts, say:
37d. Persian Gulf nation whose capital is Tehran:
38a. She: English:: ___: Portuguese:
39d. Stone Age-inspired diet?:
39a. Skin opening that may be "open":
40d. Big name in dental care: Hyph.:
41a. (3/6) "Plan a simple yet delicious ___ (snack but a little bigger) that can be enjoyed by all!":
43d. "Up in the Air" actress ___ Kendrick:
44a. Pageant winner's accessory:
47a. (4/6) "Carry a ___ (quilt kin) along with napkins and small pillows to enjoy comfortably":
48d. What Kendall and Kenneth have in common?:
49d. Music genre associated with teen angst:
50d. Basin where you may add some bath salts:
52a. Snake-like fish that is not related to snakes:
53a. Flightless bird that is covered in soft feathers:
54a. Museum-funding organization: Abbr.:
56a. San Francisco's ___ Hill:
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