Daily Themed Crossword Classic 20 September 2024 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Classic 20 September 2024 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Classic 20 September 2024 crossword
1d. Gift of the ___ (orator's talent):
1a. Sharp intake of air (rhymes with "rasp"):
4d. Popular Thai island known for Patong Beach and lively resorts:
6d. Missing from the base, in the military: Abbr.:
7d. Obi-Wan ___, Luke Skywalker's mentor:
8a. "With all ___ respect ...":
10d. "___ Pray Love," Julia Roberts film:
13a. "Hold ___ second!": 2 wds.:
14a. Another word for "boyfriend":
15a. "The ___ Show Starring Jimmy Fallon":
16d. "___ Her Standing There," a famous Beatles song: 2 wds.:
17a. Noah's vessel in the Bible:
20d. Musical reality competition TV show "___ Sync Battle":
22d. "End-of-season ___" (discount sign at a store):
24d. Feeling bummed or gloomy:
27d. Tennessee Titans organization: Abbr.:
28d. "___ many cooks spoil the broth":
29a. "When ___ boy, things were different!": 3 wds.:
30a. Reproductive option: Abbr.:
31a. Magician's "And it's gone!" word:
34a. M, on certain forms ... also, when pronounced differently, the island capital of Maldives:
36a. Charles Dickens' "___ Twist":
37d. "Letters from ___ Jima," 2006 movie directed by Clint Eastwood:
38d. Floating city in Italy built on islands, where St. Mark's Basilica is a famous attraction:
43d. "___ Is Us," TV series starring Mandy Moore:
43a. Historic Croatian city on an island, known for its medieval architecture:
44d. Costa ___ (Central American country):
45d. "She welcomed her with ___ arms":
46a. Howard of film and Weasley of fiction, for two:
47d. Little follower in "Twinkle, twinkle"?:
49a. Al ___, former U.S. vice president:
51a. "___ Wonderful Life": 2 wds.:
52d. Anagram of "sir" which is an Indian title of respect:
57a. "Jose" or "Francisco" starter:
58a. "90 Day Fiance" channel: Abbr.:
59a. Great lake close to Niagara Falls:
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