Daily Themed Crossword Classic 21 October 2023 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Classic 21 October 2023 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Classic 21 October 2023 crossword
1d. Daily Themed Crossword or Instagram, e.g., for short:
1a. Put 2 and 2 together, say:
3d. Beats Electronics co-founder Dr. ___:
4d. Brought a match to a candle wick:
7a. Peter's last name or a frying utensil:
9d. Basketball rim attachment:
11d. ___ Fanning, "The Great" actress with a palindromic name:
15a. "A Man Called ___," Tom Hanks film with a palindromic name in its title:
17a. Kind of PC monitor: Abbr.:
22d. Clickable desktop symbol:
23d. "Rebel Without a Cause" actor James:
24a. Greek letter that looks like "P" (word hidden in "rhody"):
26a. "___ the Builder," popular cartoon with a palindromic name in its title:
28d. "13 Reasons Why" actress Alisha ___:
29a. Do a lap in the pool, say:
30d. "___ happens in Vegas stays in...":
31d. Electrically charged particle:
32d. "How I ___ Your Mother," sitcom with Ted Mosby and Barney Stinson:
34d. Pick up the ___ (speed things up):
35a. Astonished sound often paired with "aah":
36d. "___ Montana," Disney sitcom with a palindromic name in the title:
37a. Cinderella's lost accessory?:
38a. "___ Karenina," Leo Tolstoy novel with a palindromic name in its title:
39a. Unbeatable enthusiasm (anagram of "laze"):
40d. Beirut's country, for short:
41a. Tiny team player that lives in a colony?:
42a. Stick used in pool or snooker:
44a. Bird's twiggy construction:
46d. Actor Sandler of "Murder Mystery":
47d. Eggy condiment, for short:
48a. Hoopsters' organization: Abbr.:
49a. ___ Lovelace, programming pioneer with a palindromic name:
50a. You may shout "Eureka!" when you get one:
52d. "List goes on...": Abbr.:
53a. Feline mascot of sporting accessories:
55d. "Jersey Shore" network: Abbr.:
60a. "I think" in texting language: Abbr.:
62a. Palindromic name of the Eden maiden:
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