Daily Themed Crossword Classic 28 December 2024 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Classic 28 December 2024 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Classic 28 December 2024 crossword
1d. Chain famous for its flapjacks: Abbr.:
1a. ___ and outs (all the details):
2d. El ___ (weather phenomenon):
4d. "Like, ___, and subscribe":
7d. "I've got a bad feeling about ___":
11a. Shade of color that sounds like "Hugh":
12d. (5/6) Whipped ___, fluffy white product that can be added to your drink as a topping:
12a. Actor ___ Michael Murray of "Gilmore Girls":
14a. Sound booster at Woodstock:
17d. Abandon, as a plan (rhymes with "hitch"):
20a. ___ pack (cold compress):
21a. Constrictor that has scales:
22a. "___ all due respect...":
24a. "___ and conditions apply":
26d. Police officer, slangily:
26a. (2/6) Dark variety of a confectionery product that can add richness to your drink:
27d. Bank's financial offering:
32a. "Let You Love Me" singer Rita ___:
33a. Grand ___ Opry, Nashville:
34a. Mom-dad school group: Abbr.:
36d. "Serving you ___ 1987" (restaurant words, maybe):
36a. (3/6) Granulated product that can add sweetness to your drink:
37d. "Money Longer" artist Lil ___ Vert:
38d. (6/6) Dairy product that is the base of your drink:
38a. "Rocket ___," Elton John song:
39d. Pig from a 1995 children's movie:
39a. "Show" follower to mean business:
40d. Veggie that can roll away from you?:
43a. (4/6) Flavorful extract that can add aroma to your drink:
47a. "The ___ has landed" ("Mission successful"):
48a. "Modern Family" airer: Abbr.:
50a. Run ___ (go out of control):
52a. Rock music's ___ Leppard:
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