Daily Themed Crossword Classic 9 March 2025 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Classic 9 March 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Classic 9 March 2025 crossword
3d. Shower affection on (anagram of "toed"):
4d. Lake ___ (freshwater lake in the Sierra Nevada):
9d. Bank account earning, briefly:
10a. "About me" section, for short:
12a. "On a scale of one to ___":
14a. ___ butter (ingredient in cosmetics):
15a. Shortened title for Jack Sparrow on the ship:
17d. Companies' bosses: Abbr.:
21a. Shortened title to mean a senior officer in the Army:
24d. Stuck in a ___ (same old routine):
25d. Gift of the ___ (speak confidently):
26a. Shortened title for a woman after saying 50a:
27d. Monopoly purchases: Abbr.:
31d. Formal dance at a high school:
33a. Shortened title for an accredited diplomat:
34a. ___ cheeks (pink cheeks):
35d. Disney dog aptly name for his clumsiness:
39a. "___ is where the heart is":
42d. Day post Thursday, for short:
43d. Shortened title used before the name of a pastor:
46d. "Much ___ About Nothing":
47d. "That's so funny," on an iPhone: Abbr.:
48a. Shortened title for a university figure who probably has a PhD:
49a. Palindromic fashion magazine:
50a. Words of promise: 2 wds.:
51a. ___ Desk Concert (NPR production):
53a. Shortened title for an Army and Air Force officer:
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