Daily Themed Crossword Director's Cut Pack! - Level 8
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Director's Cut Pack! - Level 8 answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Director's Cut Pack! - Level 8
1d. Academic URL ender, for short:
2d. Robert ___ and Jerome Robbins, Oscar-winning director duo known for directing "West Side Story":
3d. "At ___" (military command):
4a. ___ tone (what's heard on telephones):
5d. Near empty, as a fuel tank:
6d. Like picnic-spoiling weather:
6a. The ___ Brothers, filmmaking duo known for directing films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe:
7d. Tablet that may be Air or Pro:
7a. "___ nutshell" ("To sum it up"): 2 wds.:
10a. What Jack and Jill went to fetch water in:
12a. Ryan Fleck and ___ Boden, filmmaking duo known for directing "Sugar" and "Captain Marvel":
13a. "Is that what they're calling it these ___?":
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