Daily Themed Crossword Game of Thrones Pack - Level 4
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Game of Thrones Pack - Level 4 answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Game of Thrones Pack - Level 4
1a. "The Marvelous ___ Maisel" (TV series):
2d. Some monopoly properties: Abbr.:
6d. Calling device, for short:
8d. Story line, as on a show like "Game of Thrones":
9d. Great Barrier ___ (Australia's coral hub):
12a. "___ Without a Cause" (James Dean movie):
13a. Princess Charlotte, to Harry:
16a. House ___, extinct Great House from the North whose stronghold was a castle, the Dreadfort:
19a. House ___, former Great House of the Riverlands whose ancestral seat is known as the Twins:
20d. "Vive le ___!" (old French cry):
23a. Feeling after seeing the Grand Canyon, maybe:
25d. ___ Ming (basketball player):
26a. ___-Eyed Joe, member of the Night's Watch in "Game of Thrones":
27a. Volleyball or fishing essential:
29d. House ___, Great House of Westeros that is headed by Lord Edmure:
30d. ___ 51 (subject of many a conspiracy):
30a. "___ Like It": 2 wds. (Shakespeare play):
32d. "___ sells seashells...":
32a. House ___, Great House of Westeros which is one of the oldest lines of Westerosi nobility:
34d. ___ Arbor (Michigan city):
35a. Letter-shaped bendy beam: 2 wds.:
36d. Brief description on Instagram, for short:
38d. "The Crying Game" actor Stephen:
40a. "___ and Let Die," 1973 James Bond film:
42a. Exercise with meditation, perhaps:
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