Daily Themed Crossword Home Sweet Home! - Level 8
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Home Sweet Home! - Level 8 answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Home Sweet Home! - Level 8
1d. Meat that may be smoked or cured:
4d. Prefix with "sphere" to mean half of the earth:
5d. "You have ___ to learn": 2 wds.:
8a. ___ Lilly, pharmaceutical company founder:
9a. What's taller than a hill, for short:
10a. Old TV's "The ___ Squad":
11a. "___ begins at home," idiom that suggests you should first help people close to you:
12d. "True Detective" airer: Abbr.:
15a. Innerwear that "supports" you:
16d. Watermelon bit that's spit out:
17d. "Home ___," baseball-related phrase that refers to an impressive success:
17a. Numbered highway, for short:
18d. Chinese philosophy "path":
19a. "Home is where the ___ is," idiom signifying emotional attachment towards one's home:
20d. Core workout targets, for short:
21d. Decay, like spoiled food:
22d. Tot's present from Santa:
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