Daily Themed Crossword 11 February 2025 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 11 February 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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11 February 2025 crossword
4d. ___ cycling, race where couples pedal a shared bike while matching pace as a perfect pair:
5d. Military entertainment organization: Abbr.:
7d. "___ in USA" (clothing tag line):
7a. Work week starter, for short:
11a. "Right this instant!": Abbr.:
12d. ___ Dunphy, Claire's husband in "Modern Family":
13a. TV commercials, for short:
17a. Mountain ___ (soft drink):
18a. ___ Zeppelin (hard rock band):
19d. 7th letter of the Greek alphabet:
20a. ___ skating, sport for a couple where partners glide hand in hand on a frozen rink:
28a. Fun and frolic (anagram of "prom"):
29d. Anti-aging skincare brand:
33a. Type of a tennis match where couples team up to serve and smash their way from love to ace:
38a. "Press ___ key to continue":
42a. Joseph ___ of ice cream fame:
46d. Purple-ish pickled veggie:
47d. Send a message you've received to another, for short:
51d. Actress Farrow from "Hannah and Her Sisters":
54a. ___ Craven who directed "The Serpent and the Rainbow":
57a. Investigating officer with a magnifying glass, for short:
58a. Big Apple's big newspaper: Abbr.:
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