Daily Themed Crossword 13 July 2017 answers
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 13 July 2017 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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13 July 2017 crossword
1d. Reduce to a pulp, as with potato:
4d. "___ Python and the Holy Grail" (1975 comedy):
5d. ___ dark (clueless): 2 wds.:
6d. ___ Le Pew (Looney Tunes skunk):
8d. Crucial organs for breathing:
9a. The villain in "The Dark Knight Rises":
12d. ___'s Grand Ice Cream (what Dreyer's was previously known as):
13a. Serious crime involving fire:
14a. Australian bird that's similar to an ostrich:
15a. It turns litmus paper red:
20d. ___ Land (nickname for Los Angeles): Hyph.:
21d. "___, Brute?" (Julius Caesar quote): 2 wds.:
22a. Rhyming antonym of "nay":
24d. Industry fair, for short:
25d. Old-time comedian Mort ___:
26d. N.F.L. ball carriers: Abbr.:
26a. Line of seats in a theater:
30d. "___-Man" (2015 superhero movie):
32a. Someone from Houston or Austin, say:
35d. Common name for the Progressive Field in Cleveland: 2 wds.:
36d. Folded food in a tortilla shell:
37d. ___ mortals (human beings):
38a. Barack Obama's younger daughter:
39a. Souvenir shirt from a concert:
40a. Cheer for a Mexican soccer team:
41a. Worm-like parasite that can suck blood:
42d. Time set to launch a mission, in U.S. military: Hyph.:
45d. "Here's ___ your eye!" (Alternative to "bottoms up!"): 2 wds.:
47d. Actress Dobrev of "The Vampire Diaries":
48d. What you'd do to your lit birthday candles:
49d. Strip of wood in a fence:
51d. Construction beam shaped like a letter: Hyph.:
52a. ___ mater (graduate's college):
54d. "___ in Black" (Will Smith movie):
55a. Cooking liquid that might be made from olives or peanuts:
56a. Improvise or stray from the script: Hyph.:
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