Daily Themed Crossword 14 February 2025 answers
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 14 February 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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14 February 2025 crossword
1d. "This is a love story ___ boy and girl ...": 2 wds.:
2d. "Comfortably ___" (Pink Floyd hit):
3d. Irish singer of "Echoes in Rain":
4a. Rock guitarist's need, for short:
7a. "___ of a person" (precious):
9d. Size between small and large, for short:
10a. "It was ___ while it lasted":
12a. Jamie ___ Curtis from "The Love Boat":
13a. Actress Poehler of "Parks and Recreation":
14a. Like a couple who have been together for 25 years:
15a. "___ me closer, tiny dancer ..." (Elton John lyric):
17d. Super Bowl organization: Abbr.:
18d. Daffy Duck's speech feature:
18a. British bathroom, for short:
23a. Event where Cinderella danced with her prince:
25d. Cupid's instrument (anagram of "rely"):
26a. Respected individuals, in hip-hop slang: Abbr.:
30d. Antipollution organization: Abbr.:
31a. Like a lover saying "wish you were here" in textspeak: Abbr.:
32a. Bubble ___ (packaging material):
34a. "I can neither confirm ___ deny":
35a. Like most modern-day TVs: Abbr.:
37d. "Selma" director DuVernay:
38a. 1955 romantic movie, "___ Without a Cause":
39d. Post-meal belch that one avoids on a date:
40d. Very innocent and gullible:
40a. Eleventh month, for short:
42a. "You take my breath ___" (lover's words):
47a. Prefix with "night" for 12am:
48a. 24-hour cash dispenser: Abbr.:
53a. Try to win over someone romantically, say:
54a. "She said ___!" (word awaited during a proposal):
55a. The Beatles' "I Saw ___ Standing There":
56a. "___ and forever" (timeless vow of love):
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