Daily Themed Crossword 15 February 2025 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 15 February 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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15 February 2025 crossword
2d. "Marco" response, in a game:
4a. Police force member, informally:
6d. Evidence in a trial, maybe:
7a. Jon Hamm starrer "___ Men":
8d. "One day ___ time ...": 2 wds.:
9d. ___ player (movie-playing device at home, once): Abbr.:
11a. Person who says "Cut!" on a movie set, for short:
12a. Off-road transport: Abbr.:
14a. ___-mo (Instagram video style):
17d. NFL ball carriers: Abbr.:
18a. Coming ___ (film trailer words):
21d. Capital of Georgia, for short:
22d. "John Tucker Must ___" (2006 film):
23a. Most preferred, slangily:
24d. Weightlifting center, for short:
26d. Texter's "I don't believe that!": Abbr.:
27d. "Star Walkin'" artist, Lil ___ X:
32a. "This food is delicious!":
33a. ___ year (year with an extra day):
34d. Scoreboard statistics, for short:
36a. ___ Millions (multistate lottery):
37d. Darth Vader's nickname as a child:
38a. "No ___ Attached," 2011 rom-com for someone who avoids commitment and enjoys singlehood:
43a. Brother or sister, for short:
44d. "It's fine ___" ("I'm okay with it"): 2 wds.:
44a. "Runaway ___," 1999 rom-com for someone who may just escape nuptials and continue being single:
46a. Without toppings, as on pizza:
47d. Jessica ___, "Valentine's Day" actress:
48d. "Time ___ my side": 2 wds.:
52d. ___ Francisco, California:
55a. ___ Thurman, actress of "Gattaca":
58a. Home or cell number, for short:
59a. London's country, for short:
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