Daily Themed Crossword 18 February 2025 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 18 February 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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18 February 2025 crossword
1a. "A long time ___, there lived a king":
2d. Nat ___ (TV channel that shows nature):
6d. Soundless communication system: Abbr.:
7d. The shallowest Great Lake:
8d. Gain, as money or respect:
10a. It may be King or Queen-sized:
11a. Desktops and laptops: Abbr.:
13a. Fizzy water mixed with fruit juices:
21d. Software release number, for short:
22d. "Bernie" actor, ___ Black:
24d. "Holy ___!" (rhyming exclamation):
25d. Spinners at music gigs: Abbr.:
26a. "Home ___" (Christmas comedy film):
29d. Teenager's pimply problem:
31a. Rank above major, for short:
32d. Sly carnivore-like prefix with "fire" to mean a web browser:
32a. Some NFL ball carriers, for short:
33d. It might give honey or a sting:
34a. ___-friendly (green option):
35a. "The ___ to success is ...":
36a. G.I. ___ (collectible toy):
37d. "When one ___ closes, the other opens":
40d. Jessica ___, "The Sinner" actress:
42d. "I'll take that as ___": 2 wds.:
43d. Response to a funny meme: Hyph.:
43a. "I Know This Much Is True" network: Abbr.:
45d. Kissing a partner in a mall, for one: Abbr.:
45a. Musical instrument with black and white keys:
47d. Winter hours in Boston: Abbr.:
48d. "The ___ has tied my hands":
52a. Motor oil grading letters:
53a. New York's capital, for short:
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