Daily Themed Crossword 19 March 2025 answers
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 19 March 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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19 March 2025 crossword
1a. "That's ___ folks!," "Looney Tunes" closing screen:
2d. What a bunny ear knot has two of:
3d. "Stay in your ___" (mind your business):
4d. "___ Woman," 1976 series starring Lynda Carter based on the Greek lore of the Amazons:
4a. "Where there's a will, there's a ___":
14a. Debate side that is not "pro":
15a. "Finding ___," Pixar animation movie:
16a. "___!...I Did It Again" (Britney Spears song):
17a. Drive over the limit, say:
18d. Actress Green of "Casino Royale":
21a. Kale or carrot, for short:
24d. Sebastian ___, Marvel movie actor:
25d. "Much appreciated," in textspeak:
26d. Suffix to "China" or "Japan":
27a. "Make ___ for it": 2 wds.:
29a. "Great Greek ___," French TV series that tells the story of Ancient Greek entities:
30d. Home of the Empire State: Abbr.:
31d. "I'll pay you back!" letters:
32d. What's usually in a "barking" Christmas present:
33a. "___ the season to be jolly ...":
37d. Baby back and pork, for two:
38d. Student's email address ender:
39a. Houston or Dallas native:
42a. 2009 comedy-drama series based on Eros, a Greek god, who has to bring 100 couples together:
43a. Disinterested expression:
44a. Yellow school transportation:
48d. "Kat" partner, in wafers:
48a. 2024 dark comedy TV series that is a modern retelling of Greek lore:
51a. Length x width, of a rectangle:
52d. "Norma ___" (1979 drama film):
55d. Bonnie and Clyde or Batman and Robin, e.g.:
59a. ___ date (essay deadline):
60a. Musician Nugent, to fans:
62a. Marty McFly to George McFly:
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