Daily Themed Crossword 2 February 2025 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 2 February 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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2 February 2025 crossword
2d. "___ minute now" (very soon):
5d. "To ___ is human, to forgive divine":
8d. Harry Potter's mail bringer:
9d. Large Yellowstone herd animal:
13a. Last word before hanging up the phone, usually:
15a. (1/7) It's Crepe Day! Grab your essentials ... flour, eggs, and ___!:
16a. Chick-___ (fast food chain): Hyph.:
17d. "An ___ mind is the devil's workshop":
18a. Shower with flowers and love, say:
20a. "Truth or ___" (slumber party game):
21d. The Met Gala or Coachella, e.g.:
22a. Important sunscreen letters for a day in the sun:
24d. TV sportscaster ___ Costas:
24a. (2/7) Add everything together in a big ___ and whisk until smooth. No lumps allowed!:
30d. Video's counterpart, for short:
31d. Word before "lime pie" or "note":
32a. Woodwind with a haunting sound:
33d. Cuddling in public, say: Abbr.:
33a. Carolina's ___ Dee River:
34d. Ginger Spice ___ Halliwell:
36a. Designer Mode of "The Incredibles":
37a. "Ed, Edd n ___" (animated series):
39d. Biblical garden on the Sistine Chapel ceiling:
40d. Famous queen of Egypt, for short:
40a. "Fight ___," cult-classic starring Edward Norton:
44d. Where Curiosity and Perseverance can be found:
45d. Travel like Superman, say:
48d. San Francisco's ___ Hill:
49a. Volume-boosting box at a concert, for short:
51d. Confident puzzle solver's tool, perhaps:
55a. "Dear ___" (John Lennon song):
56a. Gift of the ___ (speaking ability):
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