Daily Themed Crossword 21 April 2025 answers
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 21 April 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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21 April 2025 crossword
1d. Crunch target muscles, for short:
1a. Chimpanzee or gorilla, e.g.:
4d. "She ___ seashells on the seashore":
5d. Waiter's serving platters:
7d. Leona ___, "Bleeding Love" singer whose career started on the reality show "The X Factor":
8d. Actress ___ Gardner of "On the Beach":
9d. Letters common to the start of "vision" and "visor":
10d. Mont Blanc or Matterhorn, e.g.:
12a. ___ Clapton, singer of "Tears in Heaven":
16a. "Summertime Sadness" singer ___ Del Rey:
18a. ___ Clarkson, "Stronger" singer who rose to fame through the reality show "American Idol":
20a. ___ Tai (tropical cocktail):
21d. "___ girl!" ("Good job!"):
22a. Feminine suffix with "host":
23a. "___ Bitsy Spider" (nursery rhyme):
24d. Discipline of exercise that may require you to hold your poses:
25a. "Fe," in chemistry class:
26d. "Run Away With Me" singer Carly ___ Jepsen:
28d. Items in a library, for short:
28a. 3-letter Subway order, perhaps:
31d. Prefix with "Pen" for a lifesaving tool:
34a. Python in "The Jungle Book":
35a. Word after "gender" or "generation":
37a. Work-from-home attire, maybe, informally:
39d. Karaoke essential, for short:
39a. When doubled, a Hawaiian fish:
43d. Boiling with ___ (intense anger):
43a. Serling and Stewart, for two:
45d. Black-and-white ocean hunter:
46d. It might generate a lot of interest?:
47d. Active volcano in Sicily:
48d. Leadership of a company, for short:
51d. Prefix with "system" or "logical":
52a. Start to stink, as a banana:
53a. Lady ___, "Poker Face" singer:
54a. Peach ___ Tea (cool summer drink):
58a. "No Time To Die" actress ___ de Armas:
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