Daily Themed Crossword 21 February 2025 answers
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 21 February 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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21 February 2025 crossword
1d. Ctrl + L is a shortcut to ___ your screen without logging out (secure):
3d. Actress Maggie Smith's title:
5d. Actress Uma of the "Kill Bill" movies:
6d. Place where you might see "No pain, no gain":
7d. Alt + Tab is a shortcut to ___ to another tab (alternate):
9d. "I'm taking ___ in the pool": 2wds.:
11a. Popular crayon brand ender:
12a. Singer Winehouse of the song "Back to Back":
16d. Dog breed that loves the water, for short:
16a. "He pushed me to my ___" (maximum capacity):
19a. "The house sits ___ a cliff":
21d. With ching, a cash register sound:
22a. "Dancing with the Stars" network: Abbr.:
23a. Ctrl + Alt + Del is a shortcut to a computer's ___ manager (item on a to-do list):
24d. "___ of Me," song by John Legend:
28a. "Mary ___ a little lamb ...": 2 wds.:
29d. Measure of someone's years on Earth:
30d. "___ Auto," Volkswagen's discontinued tagline:
34d. Towards the rear of a boat:
38d. Over the counter antacid:
39a. Ctrl + F5 or Ctrl + R is a shortcut to ___ a computer (load again):
42a. Flight landing schedule letters: Abbr.:
47d. Male ancestor, biblically:
48d. Ctrl + Y is a shortcut to ___ what you have undone (opposite of undo):
50a. Walk back and forth, perhaps anxiously:
51d. Singer Max of "Sweet but Psycho":
52d. Car hailed by a raised arm:
53a. D.C. government members, for short:
54d. Organization with the Cowboys and Chiefs: Abbr.:
57a. Actress Mendes from "Ghost Rider":
61a. F11 is a shortcut to ___ screen the current window (feeling after eating a meal):
62a. Day when it's especially hard to wake up in the morning, for short:
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