Daily Themed Crossword 21 January 2025 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 21 January 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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21 January 2025 crossword
2d. Coach Parseghian of Notre Dame:
3d. "Die With a Smile" singer Bruno:
4d. Web forum moderator, for short:
7a. Miss Universe's accessory:
8d. Former student, for short:
9d. Important nine-digit number in America: Abbr.:
18a. "___ a web like a spider":
19d. ___-wee Herman (Paul Reubens character):
21d. Cut off, as a tree branch:
22a. Global language, for short:
27d. When doubled, a Gabor sister:
27a. "___ your lip" ("Shut up!"):
28d. "___ Jam," video game series first released in 1993: Abbr.:
28a. Phone book items, for short:
29d. Glucose-rich formula to treat severe dehydration: Abbr:
30d. College admission assessment: Abbr.:
31a. Word after "cat's" or "bull's":
32a. "___ me" (dustbin's words):
33a. Victoria Secret purchase:
35a. Kissing in a crowd, for one: Abbr.:
38a. "I have figured it out!" sound:
39d. Aids to help solve a puzzle:
42d. Wrinkly leaves used in smoothies:
43d. "Same stuff, different day" routine:
43a. "The ___ Not Taken," poem by Robert Frost:
44d. "Either you say it, ___ will!": 2 wds.:
46d. Small part of a big machine:
48d. "Inferno" author, ___ Brown:
49d. The "S" in GPS, for short:
51a. Put in alphabetical order, say:
54a. Some microwave ovens: Abbr.:
55a. Junior Navy Officer, for short:
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