Daily Themed Crossword 22 October 2021 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 22 October 2021 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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22 October 2021 crossword
2d. Little Bo who lost her sheep?:
5d. Less common belly button type:
6d. "Don't ___ think about it!":
12a. Word on a Valentine's Day candy heart:
13a. "Dies ___" (medieval hymn):
17a. "___ with Fire," cookbook by Michael Symon inspired by his barbeque restaurant:
20a. Right-angled plumbing pipe:
23d. Kanga's kid in "Winnie-the-Pooh":
24d. "How to ___," cookbook by Nigella Lawson inspired by English cuisine:
26d. Word with "curtain" or "fishing":
28d. Balance sheet verifier, briefly:
31a. "I know it's ___ to ask...": 2 wds.:
32a. Cookbook by David Chang inspired by his New York restaurant chain of the same name:
33d. They're slipped into slippers:
34a. Actor Danson or Shackelford:
35a. Browne who illustrated "Hi and Lois":
38a. Word with "cutie" or "sweetie":
39d. Spouse's relative: Hyph.:
40d. Word that follows "sponge" or "coffee":
40a. "Kitchen ___: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly," cookbook/memoir by Anthony Bourdain:
42d. College lodging, for short:
45d. "My ___ in France," autobiography by Julia Child inspired by her culinary experiences in France:
46d. Cookbook measurement, for short:
46a. ___-shanter (Scottish cap):
47a. Lump in a Christmas stocking?:
48a. Fraternity letter after "upsilon":
52a. ___ Evans, former judge of "My Kitchen Rules":
54a. Paint an Easter egg, say:
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