Daily Themed Crossword 23 May 2024 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 23 May 2024 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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23 May 2024 crossword
4d. Head of department, for short:
4a. "When Harry ___ Sally" (1989 film):
7d. ___ Zimmer, Oscar-winning score composer:
7a. ___-hop (street dance style):
8d. Dublin's country, for short:
11a. Mop & ___ (floor cleaner):
13a. Nintendo's Super ___: Abbr.:
14a. Decay, like an overripe fruit:
17d. "It was never ___ the money!":
20d. Partner of "sin" and "tan":
21d. "___ company, three's a crowd":
23d. Kind of pen or toothpaste:
24d. Marshy area (rhymes with "log"):
24a. "EastEnders" network: 2 wds.:
26d. ___ Guevara of "The Motorcycle Diaries":
28d. Nearest and loved ones, for short:
34d. "___ favor" (Spanish "please"):
39d. Inspection organization at an airport: Abbr.:
42d. ___ Jenkins, "Monster" director who won the Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature:
44a. College student's stat: Abbr.:
49d. Jumbo ___ (large airliner):
49a. ___ Campion, "The Power of the Dog" director who won the Academy Award for Best Director:
51d. "Gran" rhyme and synonym, to Brits:
53d. Manage somehow, with "out":
57a. Fight-finishing letters in a boxing match:
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