Daily Themed Crossword 24 August 2022 answers
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 24 August 2022 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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24 August 2022 crossword
2d. What an ostrich can't do?:
4a. CC follower in mails: Abbr.:
5d. Russell ___, "Gladiator" actor who portrays Zeus in "Thor: Love and Thunder":
6d. Crystal ___ (completely transparent):
7d. Give away for free, informally:
10a. Bosnian or Serb, for short:
12a. Title from "Downton Abbey":
13a. Hedwig from "Harry Potter":
16a. ___ Gala (big fashion event):
18d. Holiday ___ (hotel group):
19a. "Ant-Man and the ___" (Paul Rudd movie):
21d. "Yield to the Night" actress Diana:
21a. Matt ___, "The Martian" actor who portrays Loki in "Thor: Love and Thunder":
22d. "Inventing ___" (Netflix drama):
24a. Suffix with "north" or "east":
27d. Actor Driver from "House of Gucci":
28d. "America's ___ Talent" (Simon Cowell show):
29a. "Love & Basketball" actor Epps:
31d. Spacebar's neighbor on a keyboard:
33a. Genetic messenger: Abbr.:
35d. ___ Portman, "Black Swan" actress who portrays Jane Foster in "Thor: Love and Thunder":
36a. Christian ___, "Batman Begins" actor who portrays Gorr in "Thor: Love and Thunder":
39a. "The numbers are ___ all-time high...": 2 wds.:
41a. Pennzoil competitor: Abbr.:
43d. "Pick ___": 2 wds. (magician's words):
45d. ___ Hemsworth, "Extraction" actor who portrays Thor in "Thor: Love and Thunder":
46a. Part of a minute, for short:
47a. Olympic participant, for short:
50a. "I've Got ___ In Kalamazoo" (Glenn Miller song): 2 wds.:
51d. Tourist destination in India:
52d. Off-roading transport: Abbr.:
54d. Tonsillitis department: Abbr.:
55d. Prefix with "pressure" or "puncture":
57a. Actress Longoria from "Brooklyn Nine-Nine":
58a. Flat round bread from India:
60a. Production house with a roaring lion: Abbr.:
61a. ___ Bautista, "Guardians of the Galaxy" actor who portrays Drax in "Thor: Love and Thunder":
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