Daily Themed Crossword 25 February 2025 answers
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 25 February 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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25 February 2025 crossword
1d. "Barney and Friends" network: Abbr.:
1a. Comfy nightwear, for short:
2d. Sloppy ___ (ground beef sandwich):
4d. Sport with a baton where a runner races to pass it to the next running player:
4a. Traffic signal stop color:
8d. Magnum ___ (artist's best work):
9d. Square ___ in a round hole:
11a. "... And they lived happily ___ after":
14a. Button pressed after writing an email:
15d. North Carolina university:
16a. "Take a trip down memory ___":
18a. Hollywood's country: Abbr.:
19d. Political figure, for short:
22d. Like chili but not chilly?:
22a. Sport played with a puck where teams try to put it into the other team's goal:
24d. "___ : Cyber" (CBS spin-off):
25a. Jim's partner in "The Office":
26a. Showbiz twin Mary-Kate or Ashley:
27a. Combat sport where gloves are used while people try to land punches for points:
28d. Pinocchio's lie detector?:
29d. ___ club (musical group):
31d. "___ Max: Fury Road" (2015 film):
31a. Surface to wipe your feet:
33d. Two state names whose capitals are Bismarck and Pierre, for short:
34d. Answer to a problem, for short:
34a. Grand ___, tennis achievement won by Novak Djokovic and Serena Williams:
36a. Where there are plenty of fish, so they say:
37d. Pole ___, sport played with a pole where players use it to help them jump over a high bar:
38d. ___-Town (nickname for Illinois' most populous city):
38a. Where a baby is pinched with love:
39d. ___-Barbera, "The Flintstones" creator:
42d. Texter's point of view: Abbr.:
44d. 24/7 cash dispenser: Abbr.:
49a. Prefix with "practice" or "nourished":
53a. Day of the blues, for short:
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