Daily Themed Crossword 26 February 2025 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 26 February 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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26 February 2025 crossword
1d. Winter hours in L.A.: Abbr.:
5d. "___ Majesty's Secret Service" (James Bond film): 2 wds.:
6d. Prefix with "logy" or "graphic":
9d. "The proof ___ the pudding": 2 wds:
10d. When doubled, a Teletubby:
12a. "Three, two, ___" (countdown order):
14a. Beach vacation's evidence:
15a. Breakfast food chain: Abbr.:
18a. ___ of access (computer accessibility option):
19d. Videos skipped before YouTube videos, for short:
21d. Bobby ___ (hair gripper):
22a. ___ Mifflin, workplace where Pam and Jim's romance bloomed in the sitcom "The Office":
25a. Garage sale warning: 2 wds.:
26d. "___ Sam" (2001 movie starring Sean Penn): 2 wds.:
27a. Oversharing alert on a text: Abbr.:
31d. "Just waiting for the other ___ to drop":
31a. Place for a sauna, massage, and more:
32d. ___ Hardman, workplace where Harvey Specter initially hired Mike Ross in the TV series "Suits":
38d. ___ Winfrey, American talk show host:
39a. Dock for romantic walks, perhaps:
45d. Academic website address ending:
47d. "___ Little Teapot," nursery rhyme starter: 2 wds.:
49a. "American ___" (reality show):
51a. Sixty seconds, for short:
54a. "Zeta" follower, in the Greek alphabet:
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