Daily Themed Crossword 27 April 2022 answers
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 27 April 2022 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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27 April 2022 crossword
1d. Last year's juniors, for short:
2d. ___-Mart Stores, Inc. (former name for a popular retail store):
3d. Actress Gardner of old Hollywood:
6d. Vampire repellent, supposedly:
7d. Ice cream maker Joseph ___:
8d. Reduces speed, as in a school zone:
8a. Leak slowly, through cracks:
11d. Jessica ___, actress who plays Megan Draper on the TV series "Mad Men":
12a. Rant and ___ (complain angrily):
13a. Will Smith, to Jaden Smith:
15a. John ___, actor who plays Roger Sterling on the TV series "Mad Men":
18a. "The Fresh Prince of ___-Air" (1990 sitcom):
19a. "___ All in This Together":
20d. Jon ___, actor who plays the protagonist Don Draper on the TV series "Mad Men":
20a. Christina ___, actress who plays Joan Harris on the TV series "Mad Men":
21d. Tesla power source, for short:
24d. Speed measure, in Europe: Abbr.:
26a. One who issues tickets, informally:
27d. Book after Galatians, for short:
30a. Come out, as from a cocoon:
33a. Kiernan ___, actress who plays Sally Draper on the TV series "Mad Men":
34d. Newton who discovered gravity:
35a. Safari or Sierra carmaker: Abbr.:
36a. Letter insert, for short:
37d. Wants badly, as chocolate:
38a. "Pretty Little Liars" actress ___ Mitchell:
39d. ___ Staton, actor who plays Ken Cosgrove on the TV series "Mad Men":
40d. Like some whiskey or coffee:
41d. ___ de Mayo (Mexican festival):
42a. Medieval chest for valuables (anagram of "cara"):
44d. Actor Nicolas of "Ghost Rider":
47a. ___ Kartheiser, actor who plays Pete Campbell on the TV series "Mad Men":
48d. Slippery ___ (plant species):
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