Daily Themed Crossword 28 February 2025 answers
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword 28 February 2025 crossword answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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28 February 2025 crossword
4d. Dentist's regular request after brushing:
7d. "Friends" character who is a paleontologist:
9d. Shipping container's weight:
11a. Ticklish muppet on "Sesame Street":
12a. Red disposable party cup:
13a. "Do you wanna sign my ___?" (senior keepsake that's also an autograph collection):
15a. Channel that's always on the ball: Abbr.:
16a. Core workout targets, for short:
17d. Tap on a seat when you ask someone to sit on it:
17a. "Can I see your hall ___?" (golden ticket to skip class):
18a. Like Quicksilver or Flash:
19d. Advantage up your sleeve:
23d. What a fussy kid won't do at dinner:
24a. Word with "stomach" or "head," used as a common excuse to not go to school:
31d. "Now please stand for the ___ of Allegiance" (vow recited faithfully every morning):
31a. "Will you go to ___ with me?" (event with limos, dances and plenty of awkwardness to go around):
32a. Domestic covert operations agency: Abbr.:
34a. Suffix with "air" or "aero":
38d. Suffix to "every" or "some":
39d. Tap a maple to collect its ___:
39a. The Kings of the NBA, on scoreboards:
40a. What the Three Musketeers form:
41d. Single-stranded genetic material: Abbr.:
43a. Lady of "Paparazzi," "Poker Face," and "Bad Romance":
45d. Neither solid nor liquid:
46d. Sound booster, for short:
49a. Student dread at the end of a term:
51a. "___ questions?," at the end of a lesson:
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