Daily Themed Crossword Twelve Days Pack! - Level 12
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Twelve Days Pack! - Level 12 answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Twelve Days Pack! - Level 12
1d. Weekend follower, for short:
4d. Enjoys a candy cane, perhaps:
6d. Of the same ___ (similar):
8d. "Tell ___ About It" (Billy Joel song):
9a. Prefix for "science" or "present":
13a. Clark ___ (Superman's alter ego):
14a. The ___ King, antagonist who leads a rodent army in 11a:
15d. "___ to Joy" (Friedrich Schiller poem ):
19d. On ___ with (as good as):
20a. TV interruptions, for short:
21a. Morning droplets on grass:
25a. Great Barrier ___ (Australian attraction):
26d. Sugar Plum ___, ruler of the Land of Sweets in 11a:
27a. ___ Ginger, character who hides the Polichinelles under her skirt in 11a:
30d. Airport screening group: Abbr.:
31d. Flat-screen TV choice: Abbr.:
31a. ___ lazuli, semi-precious blue stone:
33d. Peter ___ (Tinker Bell's friend):
38a. Heroine who helps the Prince defeat the antagonist in 11a:
41a. "Mind your ___ business!":
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