Daily Themed Crossword Viva Elvis! - Level 8
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Viva Elvis! - Level 8 answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Viva Elvis! - Level 8
2d. Like birthday candles before "making a wish":
3d. School fundraising organization: Abbr.:
4a. Motor oil company that is a NASCAR sponsor:
10d. Funny picture found online, say:
11d. "The Devil Wears ___" (2006 film):
13a. "Therefore," to Descartes:
14d. ___ Lifetime Achievement Award, award won by Elvis Presley in 1971:
15a. Spoil the surface of, say:
16d. Room in need of a decluttering:
16a. Presidential ___ of Freedom, award that Elvis Presley received posthumously in 2018:
18d. Manny's sloth friend in "Ice Age":
18a. "___ Thinks I Still Care," country song covered by Elvis Presley:
21d. Comedy sketch show where Robert Downey Jr. played Elvis Presley: Abbr.:
22d. It may be under a pirate's patch:
26a. Season for Santa cookies:
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