Daily Themed Crossword Wedding Bells Pack! - Level 15
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Wedding Bells Pack! - Level 15 answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Wedding Bells Pack! - Level 15
3d. Bridal ___, collection of flowers traditionally held by the bride as she walks down the aisle:
6d. First ___, traditional event at the reception of a newly-married couple:
9d. "I Have a Dream" orator's initials:
10a. "___ by any other name would smell as sweet" (line from "Romeo and Juliet"): 2 wds.:
11d. Suffix with "Nepal" or "Sudan":
12a. ___ chart (astrological diagram):
13a. "Green Eggs and Ham" author Dr. ___:
16d. "That's how it ___" (started):
17d. Try for a floating apple:
20d. Cost of living stat: Abbr.:
21d. Number of events in a decathlon:
24a. "___ Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (Beatles album):
26a. "You ___!" ("Absolutely!"):
27d. Require the Heimlich maneuver:
31a. Imitate the Big Bad Wolf:
34d. Brother or sister, for short:
35d. Device usually found in a bank lobby: Abbr.:
36d. Tree that sounds like "you":
37a. ___-cutting, traditional ceremony at wedding receptions:
39a. Porcelain pitcher, perhaps:
40a. Mercedes-Benz competitor: Abbr.:
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