Daily Themed Crossword Winter Wellness Kit! - Level 6
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Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Winter Wellness Kit! - Level 6 answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Winter Wellness Kit! - Level 6
1d. "Ridiculousness" channel: Abbr.:
1a. "Do the ___" (calculate by yourself):
2d. Affirmative response at sea:
3d. "Palm" or "peach" follower:
4d. (5/5) Enjoy your microgreens which will be ready for ___ in seven to ten days:
5d. Month after August, for short:
5a. (1/5) To grow your own microgreens, ___ the seeds in a scattered manner:
6d. "Good job!" at a soccer game:
7d. "___ could go back to the way things were": 2 wds.:
9a. Giants former quarterback Manning:
10a. Change direction suddenly:
12d. "My Country, ___ of Thee" (patriotic song):
13d. Eight-armed sea creature, briefly:
14a. 24th and 31st December, for two:
15d. Flightless bird from Australia:
19a. (2/5) To grow your own microgreens, spray or ___ the seeds with some water:
20a. "He may ___ bit after finding out he wasn't chosen" (brood): 2 wds.:
22d. Famous Egyptian queen, briefly:
24a. Airport code for Virgin Gorda: Abbr.:
25d. Cash dispensing machine: Abbr.:
26d. Golden ___ (San Francisco bridge):
27a. Famous inventor Nikola ___:
28d. School in Baton Rouge: Abbr.:
30d. ___ forma (words on a report):
31d. Organ that helps you tune in:
34a. (4/5) To grow your own microgreens, place your seed ___ under your chosen light:
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