Daily Themed Crossword Word Wonders Pack - Level 2
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Word Wonders Pack - Level 2 answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
This word game is developed by PlaySimple Games, known by his best puzzle word games.
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Word Wonders Pack - Level 2
1d. Treaty between two or more countries, say:
2d. Pretty ___, oxymoron used to describe something unpleasant or repulsive:
4d. Television-controlling device:
5d. Living ___, oxymoron used to describe zombies:
5a. Genetic stuff that can be used as evidence: Abbr.:
6d. Bookworm or computer genius, stereotypically:
8a. James ___ who wrote "A Death in the Family":
9a. Crystal gazer who claims to see the future:
10a. Mollusk used to make chowder:
11a. Loser to the tortoise, in a fable:
12a. Someone new to the job, say (rhymes with "spiro"):
13a. "What are the ___?" (chances):
14a. Ballerina's balancing digit:
15d. Two-toned apex predator in the oceans:
16a. Random ___, oxymoron used to describe a randomized arrangement:
17d. Costa ___, Central American country:
18d. Apply carelessly, as paint (anagram of "baud"):
19a. Place to get a hot stone massage:
20d. Place for a backstroke or a cannonball:
21d. Perilous Egyptian hisser:
22a. Coastal waterway (anagram of "air"):
24d. Farm squawker that lays eggs:
25a. Prefix with "puncture" or "pressure":
26a. "Fabled" author of "The Ass in the Lion's Skin":
27a. Chemist's testing ground, for short:
28a. Stanley Cup organization: Abbr.:
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