Daily Themed Crossword Word Wonders Pack - Level 9
If you are stuck with today`s puzzle and are looking for help then look no further. DTC is one of the most popular iOS and Android crossword apps developed by PlaySimple Games.
Here on this page you will find all the Daily Themed Crossword Word Wonders Pack - Level 9 answers. Some of the crossword clues given are quite difficult thats why we have decided to share all the answers.
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Word Wonders Pack - Level 9
1d. Uncle ___ (icon on recruitment posters):
3d. Bobby ___ who won 2 Stanley Cups for the Boston Bruins:
4d. Needle tip... or a not-so-apt anagram of "no tip":
5d. Messenger bird, in the old days:
6d. "___ Holmes" (mystery film starring Millie Bobby Brown):
7d. Organization with the Patriots and the Chiefs: Abbr.:
10d. Seek the affections of, romantically:
11a. The "I" in FYI, for short:
12a. "Super ___" (game series featuring Luigi's brother):
14a. Most-coveted prize in science:
15d. Emily ___ who starred in "A Quiet Place":
16a. Parking meter opening... or an apt anagram of "lots":
17d. Floral souvenir from Oahu:
18d. Old-school icons, in hip-hop slang: Abbr.:
20d. Solemn service... or a not-so-apt anagram of "real fun":
21d. Flight schedule information: Abbr.:
22d. Sales team member, for short:
23a. Opposite of "positive," for short:
24d. ___ White of "The Golden Girls" fame:
25a. Sport ___ (all-purpose vehicle):
26a. Pay attention... or an apt anagram of "silent":
27d. Contaminate or spoil (rhymes with "faint"):
28d. Hitch or glitch in a plan, say:
30d. Actress Thurman who made her Broadway debut in "The Parisian Woman":
31a. ___ card, payment option... or an apt anagram of "bad credit":
32d. Misspell a word liek this, say:
33d. Coiling creature in the constriction business:
34a. ___ Polo (swimming pool game):
35d. Corporation technology head: Abbr.:
36d. Yoko ___ who funded the Imagine Peace Tower:
37a. A car thief's car getting stolen or cheating on an ethics exam, e.g.:
38a. "Come ___?" ("Didn't quite catch you there"):
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